Required Handlers


The CSS Handler (css.php) is responsible for loading style definitions for the MWF entities, and the JS Handler (js.php) is responsible for loading MWF Javascript functionality and related libraries. Both scripts do this through a dynamic process that considers the classification of the visitor's device and serves out a set of definitions catered to that device. They also allow a content provider (someone using the handler) to specify additional files that should be loaded in and minified at a particular classification level. Though PHP files, these handler identifies itself as content-type text/css and text/javascript respectively.

To leverage standard MWF functionality, simply include two tags in the <head> section of your page:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://{MOBILE_DOMAIN}/assets/css.php" type="text/css">
    <script type="text/javascript" src="http://{MOBILE_DOMAIN}/assets/js.php"></script>


To deliver a stylesheets and Javascript functionality based on the user's browsing device and to minify and import additional libraries and scripts defined by the content provider, all within one requested script file.

CSS Handler

Loading the CSS Handler

The dynamic CSS handler resides at:


This file can be included through a standard <link> tag as with any other CSS file:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://{MOBILE_DOMAIN}/assets/css.php" type="text/css">

Loading and Minifying Custom CSS

In addition to loading in stylesheets for the framework entities, this also supports adding your own CSS (automatically minified) to any classification level through the CSS handler. In specifying a classification (basic, standard or full), the CSS will be fetched, minified and served out to any device of that classification level or higher.

For example, to include a custom CSS file for devices at the standard level and above:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://{MOBILE_DOMAIN}/assets/css.php?standard={URL_ENCODED_PATH}" type="text/css">

It is possible to include multiple custom CSS files for devices at the same level as follows:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://{MOBILE_DOMAIN}/assets/css.php?standard={URL_ENCODED_PATH}+{URL_ENCODED_PATH_2}" type="text/css">

A prototype that includes files at all classification levels:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://{MOBILE_DOMAIN}/assets/css.php?basic={URL_ENCODED_PATH}&standard={URL_ENCODED_PATH_2}&full={URL_ENCODED_PATH_3}" type="text/css">

While the CSS Minifier provides this same sort of minification, for pages using css.php, this method is recommended as it reduces the total number of HTTP requests by doing all the custom minification within a single HTTP request.

Compatibility Note: Minification directly within the CSS Handler has been available since MWF 1.1. Content providers using an instance of MWF 1.0 must instead leverage the CSS Minifier.

JS Handler

Loading the JS Handler

The dynamic JS handler resides at:


This file can be included through a standard <script> tag as with any other JS file:

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://{MWF_INSTALLATION_ROOT}/assets/js.php"></script>

Loading Framework Libraries

In addition to the default functionality always loaded by the framework, this handler also provides a mechanism to load additional framework libraries such as Geolocation and Touch Transitions. To do this, it provides the GET parameters standard_libs and full_libs.

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://{MOBILE_DOMAIN}/assets/js.php?standard_libs=geolocation"></script>

Multiple libraries can be concatenated with a plus sign (+):

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://{MOBILE_DOMAIN}/assets/js.php?full_libs=transitions+touch_transitions"></script>

Loading and Minifying Custom Javascript

In addition to loading in the framework Javascript API, this also supports adding your own Javascript (automatically minified) to any classification level through the JS handler. In specifying a classification (basic, standard or full), the Javascript will be fetched, minified and served out to any device of that classification level or higher.

For example, to include a custom Javascript file for devices at the standard level and above:

<script src="http://{MOBILE_DOMAIN}/assets/js.php?standard={URL_ENCODED_PATH}" type="text/javascript"></script>

It is possible to include multiple custom Javascript files for devices at the same level as follows:

<script src="http://{MOBILE_DOMAIN}/assets/js.php?standard={URL_ENCODED_PATH}+{URL_ENCODED_PATH_2}" type="text/javascript"></script>

A prototype that includes files at both Javascript classification levels:

<script src="http://{MOBILE_DOMAIN}/assets/js.php?standard={URL_ENCODED_PATH}&full={URL_ENCODED_PATH_2}" type="text/javascript"></script>

While the JS Minifier provides this same sort of minification, for pages using js.php, this method is recommended as it reduces the total number of HTTP requests by doing all the custom minification within a single HTTP request.

Compatibility Note: Minification directly within the JS Handler has been available since MWF 1.1. Content providers using an instance of MWF 1.0 must instead leverage the JS Minifier.

Flags to Disable Framework Functionality

The js.php file, by default, writes several items that content providers may not desire. As such, js.php provides flags that allow individual functions to be disabled. These flags are listed below individually, but can be mixed together and in tandem with all other GET parameters.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics can also be turned off for sites with security concerns:

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://{MWF_INSTALLATION_ROOT}/assets/js.php?no_ga"></script>

It should be noted that multiple instances of Google Analytics may run at once. This means that the framework Google Analytics will not conflict with Google Analytics instances also included by a content provider. Consequently, this should only be disabled if one does not wish to allow reporting at all to the central Google Analytics instance. This will lead to the site not having any global statistics provided.

Favicon and Application Icons

By default, js.php defines both a favicon and application icons from the framework.

For instances looking to set their own favicon, it can be disabled:

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://{MWF_INSTALLATION_ROOT}/assets/js.php?no_favicon"></script>

For instances looking to set their own application icon, it too can be disabled:

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://{MWF_INSTALLATION_ROOT}/assets/js.php?no_appicon"></script>

For instances looking to disable both the favicon and application icons, they can also be disabled simultaneously through one flag:

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://{MWF_INSTALLATION_ROOT}/assets/js.php?no_icon"></script>

The no_icon flag is equivalent to a combination of both the no_favicon and no_appicon flag.