Browser [mwf.browser]


The mwf.browser object contains a number of methods that compute dimensionality and positioning within the current state of the browser. This should not be confused with mwf.screen, which provides dimensionality information about the static screen size.

Functions & Properties

Current (MWF 1.2)

The following functions are available through mwf.browser:

  • mwf.browser.getHeight() The inner height of the current browser window.

  • mwf.browser.getWidth() The inner width of the current browser window.

  • mwf.browser.posLeft() The absolute position value of the left-most pixel of the visible browser window.

  • mwf.browser.posTop() The absolute position value of the top-most pixel of the visible browser window.

  • mwf.browser.posRight() The absolute position value of the right-most pixel of the visible browser window.

  • mwf.browser.posBottom() The absolute position value of the bottom-most pixel of the visible browser window.

Previous (MWF 1.0-1.1)

The following functions have been deprecated but are available for backwards compatibility:

  • mwf.browser.pageHeight() Alias of mwf.browser.getHeight().

  • mwf.browser.pageWidth() Alias of mwf.browser.getWidth().