

The <div.content> entity and its variations form a distinct content area for a set of text that spans the full width of a page. It includes various stylings that can be applied as well such as .content.not-padded.


This entity can be employed by any module to create a content area. Most commonly, it will contain an <h1> header and <div> or <p> tags to separate different blocks of content.

Example Code

This is an example content area that leverages several different components of the style.

<div class="content"> 
    <h1 class="light">{CONTENT_TITLE}</h1> 

In all cases, the .content containing entity is a <div>. This allows the use of both traditionally inline entities <h1> and <p> and the block entity <div>, where the direct children of the <div.content> are all distinct content blocks. In addition, the framework provides <div.not-padded> for additional styling of the content area (removes rounded corners and padding).

Within most content areas, the first element will be an <h1> used as a title heading, with the .light style optionally available. After the header (or at the beginning of the <div.content> if no header is used) comes a set of either <div> or <p> tags which define individual elements in the content elements area. No additional classes are needed at this child level, but a couple are optionally available. The <div.button> element creates a "button-like" content entity which should have an <a> tag surrounding its interior content, and in addition a .label class makes it possible to have labels, both for <div.button> and for the more general <p> and <div> tags within <.content>.

See below for an example using <div.button> and <div.label>:

<div class="content"> 
    <h1 class="light">{CONTENT_TITLE}</h1> 
    <div class="button"> 
        <a href="{BUTTON_LINK}"> 
            <div class="label">{BUTTON_LABEL}</div> 

As a note, at the direct child level of .content, the framework defines <h1> and <p> as block entities because of the way in which it separates pieces of content. To add multiple paragraphs of content within a single content element block, add another <div> within the <div.content-full> element, and then place paragraphs within that child <div>:

<div class="content not-padded"> 

The UCLA tour app welcome message uses .content. It also employs the <h1.light> class.

Self-Guided Tour Content Box